Call Us Today (281) 261-5777

Criminal Defense Attorney Services

service-criminalStrengthen Your Case with Truth that Can Be Proven

We understand the objective of every criminal defense investigation is to establish or create reasonable doubt. Utilizing our services helps you increase acquittals and obtain advantageous pleas.

Case intake investigations – We collaborate with our clients by using a unique approach, expertise, and quality opinions to develop a winning defense strategy. We evaluate what the state has, and conduct interviews with the defendant and all relevant individuals to formulate an action plan for our investigation. Having our unique perspective is an advantage to your case.

Locating witnesses – We know that finding witnesses is an essential part of any criminal defense investigation. Our expert witness location service uses the most accurate data sources available. We can find the elusive witness who will break your case.

Witness interviews – We understand it is essential that all witnesses in a criminal matter be interviewed by a representative of the defense. The State’s investigators and police are only interested in inculpating statements and frequently leave out or don’t ask about issues which are exculpating. We are trained interviewers that will get every bit of information from every witness. We ensure you have the complete picture.

Background investigations of complainants – In many criminal cases the credibility of the complaining witness or other witnesses offered by the State is or will become an issue. A background investigation is a great way to determine a witness’ impeachability. We help you know all the information to strengthen your case.

Trial assistance – A trained criminal defense investigator is an invaluable asset in the courtroom. Whether helping to select a jury, shepherding witnesses, or simply acting as a trained ear to help evaluate developments. We can make a real difference in your case at trial.

Process Service – Our professional process service will provide your valuable witnesses with their subpoena. We do what’s needed to have your witness properly summoned.


Call us at (281) 261-5777 when you need truth to strengthen your case.