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Civil Attorney FAQs

You are a Legal Investigator, what does that mean?

We are licensed as private investigators, but we practice legal investigations, which are investigations devoted to attorneys. We only work for attorneys and do no work for the public directly.

How does being a Legal Investigator make you different from other private investigators?

We specialize in investigations for lawyers. That’s all we do. For 27 years, we have worked with thousands of lawyers in all types of litigation. We understand what attorneys need and we know how to get it. Most importantly, we understand the ethical responsibilities we, as agents of our clients, have while doing our work. We get results without crossing any lines.

If I need surveillance as part of my case, can you help with that?

Yes. Surveillance often produces significant evidence to support or dispute a claim. We have dedicated surveillance investigators with 30 plus years of experience to provide this valuable investigative tool.

Can you help me locate hard-to-find witnesses?

Absolutely. We use the most comprehensive data sources along with good old fashion “shoe leather” to find even the most difficult to locate witnesses. This is one of our most requested services and we excel at it.

Do you perform background investigations and how can that help me?

Yes, we do perform background investigations which range in scope from cursory to comprehensive. The background of the opposing party as well as your client can sometimes mean the difference between an attractive settlement, or an embarrassment at mediation or trial. We will tailor a background investigation to fit your case so you will never be surprised.

I’ve heard other lawyers talking about asset searches; is that something you do, and why would that be important in my cases?

Yes, we routinely perform asset investigations that can range from simple to the complex. Most lawyers think of asset searches as only applying to judgement collection, but many lawyers are conducting these searches before accepting settlement offers to ensure their clients are getting all the money available.

Are these all the services you provide?

No, we offer many other services that help our clients win. For more information on criminal defense investigation services, go to our Civil Services page.

How much do you charge?

We charge a reasonable hourly rate for investigations, and do not require a retainer unless the attorney’s client is responsible for payment. For more information regarding your specific matter, please call us at 281-261-5777.

What is the best way to contact you?

Our office hours are 8:30am to 6:00pm Monday through Friday. We are available 24/7 via e-mail and in emergencies. Please call us at 281-261-5777 or e-mail us for a free initial consultation. See “Contact Us” for our fax number and mailing address.