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Corporate Counsel FAQs

I need pre-employment background investigations, can you help with that?

Yes, we regularly conduct such investigations. From basic employee criminal history checks to comprehensive key employee hires or strategic partner investigations. We will tailor a solution to fit your needs.

What if the problem I am having is outside the company, do you investigate both internal and external threats?

Absolutely! Threats to your business not only come from within, but often times they originate outside the company. We are highly experienced with internal and integrity investigations as well as external issues such as attacks on the companies’ brand or reputation.

Do you provide physical security?

We are investigators and are not licensed to provide security guard services. We do have extensive security experience, however, and can consult on a number of issues to assist you with determining the needed response.

I am concerned about releasing a difficult employee; Can you help me deal with that?

Yes, we do many of these cases each year and can help guide you through this difficult and sometimes dangerous process. We begin by assessing the threat and then supporting you through the termination process and beyond.

Our company is constantly faced with the potential of litigation. Can you help?

Without a doubt. We have 27 years of litigation investigation experience that allows us to help evaluate the potential litigation, identify the areas in need of investigation, and collect critical information so that you can protect your company.

Are these all the services you provide?

No, we offer many other services that help our clients win. For more information on criminal defense investigation services, go to our Corporate Counsel Services page.

How much do you charge?

We charge a reasonable hourly rate for investigations, and do not require a retainer unless the attorney’s client is responsible for payment. For more information regarding your specific matter, please call us at 281-261-5777.

What is the best way to contact you?

Our office hours are 8:30am to 6:00pm Monday through Friday. We are available 24/7 via e-mail and in emergencies. Please call us at 281-261-5777 or e-mail us for a free initial consultation. See “Contact Us” for our fax number and mailing address.